Saturday, August 17, 2019

Closed Loop Motor Speed Control

INTRODUCTION 1. 1 In order to be able to build a closed loop controller, you need some mean of gaining information about the rotation of the shaft like the  number of revolutions executed per second, or even the precise angle of the shaft. This source of information about the shaft of the motor is called â€Å"feed-back† because it sends back information from the controlled actuator to the controller. 1. 2 METHODOLOGY: LASER BASED SPEED SENSOR The methodology of our project is shown in the block diagram in fig 1. 1 . LCD DISPLAY MOTOR DRIVER MOTOR INPUTS MCU MOTOR CONTROLLER Fig 1. 1: Block Diagram of DC Motor Speed Control 1.INPUTS: User defined or user desirable speed are fed to the MCU block or microcontrller through numerical keyboard. 2. MCU: The main controlling unit which takes as well as sends signal to control the speed of the motor and displays the speed as well. 3. MOTOR CONTROLLER: It takes the reference signal from MCU and convert it into required voltage. 4. MO TOR DRIVER: The required power to drive the motor will be fed by the motor driver. 5. MOTOR: The motor now runs at the desired speed as given. 6. LASER BASED SPEED SENSOR: Here laser speed sensor circuit is used to drive the speed of the motor and feeds the equivalent signal to the MCU. . LCD DISPLAY: Displays the obtained speed. 1. 3 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 1. 4 WORK PLAN: In this semester we are planning to design the optical tachometer and learn the basic operation of the microcontroller. START Doing some literature survey and studying the project Design the block diagram of the whole circuit Design the circuitry for each blocks Testing the hardware for the blocks Make changes to the circuitry. Is the hardware working properly NO Test the changes Integrating different block together YES Testing the assembled circuit Make some modification in the circuit Is the model working properly STOP Documentation NO YESFig 1. 4: Flowchart Showing the Methodology of the Project. 1. 7 CONCLUSION In t his project we learn about optical tachometer using microcontroller, its uses and advantages. We can implement this knowledge in further application of using microcontroller. Through this microcontroller we can arrange a pattern of speed. This can be easily done with microcontroller but through other technique it becomes difficult because using microcontroller we just have to change the software to change the speed. But in other technique the complete hardware has to be changed. The speed of the motor can be changed by using duty cycle. REFERENCE: 1] Peter Nawfel,†Laser Based Non Contact Speed Sensor Reduces Breaks On High Speed Unwind†,Paper Age,Nov/Dec 2003. 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