Thursday, October 31, 2019

Organization Development - Analyzing Performance Measurement and Essay

Organization Development - Analyzing Performance Measurement and Management - Essay Example The theme of the article is explored, along with the strengths and weaknesses of the content. According to the authors, performance measurement and management is the first stepping stone towards the effective implementation of change. Having widespread benefits on the organization, performance management has been described as an essential for the efficient functioning of the organization. The paper also sheds light on how the article misses out some pertinent details about performance management. Overall, the article is easy to comprehend and interesting, but often lacks concrete evidence to support the translation of theory into practice. Introduction Facility management (FM) inculcates the concept of bringing together various disciplines for the management of a built environment by assimilating and making use of human resources, place, management and technological advances (Atkins and Brooks 2009, 4). The role of facilities management has recently garnered significant attention for its ability to impact a wide range of disciplines and the potential to use this relationship for improved performance of the organization. ... Since the past decade, performance measurement has started to be used extensively for a â€Å"comprehensive managerial process† purported to improve the organizational performance (Menzel and White 2011, 133). Theme and Analysis The article by Dilanthi Amaratunga and David Baldry, â€Å"Moving from performance measurement to performance management†, is the topic of analysis in this report. The theme of the article focuses on the transition from performance measurement to performance management in FM organization. Introducing the article with the concept of performance measurement, Amaratunga and Baldry have highlighted the increasing role of performance measurement systems in contemporary management. Nutt and McLennan (2000, 163) further support this concept, asserting that the foremost step towards management is measurement, without which the organization cannot be certain of improvement over time. Performance measurement is essential for facilitating change in an orga nization and formulates the directive needed to efficiently pursue and achieve the goals of the organization. Quoting the traits of performance measurement, the authors emphasize upon the connection between performance measurement and management and explain how utilizing the results of performance measurement translates into effective performance management by providing a means of anticipating necessary changes and devising a strategy for change. The authors point out the role of facilities management in the overall performance and success of the organization. Performance management systems, as tools of strategic development and learning, have been discussed with the role FM organizations can play in promoting performance measurement and management. Moreover, it has been

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Strike Against War Essay Example for Free

Strike Against War Essay Not all the editors I have met can do that. Quite a number of them have to take their French and German second hand. No, I will not disparage the editors. They are an overworked, misunderstood class. Let them remember, though, that if I cannot see the fire at the end of their cigarettes, neither can they thread a needle in the dark. All I ask, gentlemen, is a fair field and no favor. I have entered the fight against preparedness and against the economic system under which we live. It is to be a fight to the finish, and I ask no quarter. The future of the world rests in the hands of America. The future of America rests on the backs of 80,000,000 workingmen and women and their children. We are facing a grave crisis in our national life. The few who profit from the labor of the masses want to organize the workers into an army which will protect the interests of the capitalists. You are urged to add to the heavy burdens you already bear the burden of a larger army and many additional warships. It is in your power to refuse to carry the artillery and the dread-noughts and to shake off some of the burdens, too, such aslimousines, steam yachts and country estates. You do not neet to make a great noise about it. With the silence and dignity of creators you can end wars and the system of selfishness and exploitation that causes wars. All you need to do to bring about this stupendous revolution is to straighten up and fold your arms. We are not preparing to defend our country. Even if we were as helpless as Congressman Gardner says we are, we have no enemies foolhardy enough to attempt to invade the United States. The talk about attack from Germany and Japan is absurd. Germany has its hands full and will be busy with its own affairs for some generations after the European war is over. With full control of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the allies failed to land enough men to defeat the Turks at Gallipoli; and then they failed again to land an army at Salonica in time to check the Bulgarian invasion of Serbia. The conquest of America by water is a nightmare confined exclusively to ignorant persons and members of the Navy League. Yet, everywhere, we hear fear advanced as argument for armament. It reminds me of a fable I read. A certain man found a horseshoe. His neighbor began to weep and wail because, as he justly pointed out, the man who found the horseshoe might someday find a horse. Having found the shoe, he might shoe him. The neighbors child might some day go so near the horses hells as to be kicked, and die. Undoubtedly the two families would quarrel and fight, and several valuable lives would be lost through the finding of the horseshoe. You know the last war we had we quite accidentally picked up some islands in the Pacific Ocean which may some day be the cause of a quarrel between ourselves and Japan. Id rather drop those islands right now and foret about them than go to war to keep them. Wouldnt you? Congress is not preparing to defend the people of the United States. It is planning to protect the capital of American speculators and investors in Mexico, South America, China, and teh Philippine Islands. Incidentally this preparation will benefit the manufacturers of munitions and war machines. Until recently there were uses in the United States for the money taken from the workers. But American labor is exploited almost to the limit now, and our national resources have all been appropriated. Still the profits keep piling up new capital. Our flourishing industry in implements of murder is filling the vaults of New Yorks banks with gold. And a dollar that is not being used to make a slave of some human being is not fulfilling its purpose in the capitalistic scheme. That dollar must be invested in South America, Mexico, China, or the Philippines. It was no accident that the Navy League came into prominence at the same time that the National City Bank of New York established a branch in Buenos Aires. It is not a mere coincidence that six business associates of J. P. Morgan are officials of defense leagues. And chance did not dictate that Mayor Mitchel chould appoint to his Committee of Safety a thousand men that represent a fifth of the wealth of the United States. These men want their foreign investments protected. Every modern war has had its root in exploitation. The Civil War was fought to decide whether to slaveholders of the South or the capitalists of the North should exploit the West. The Spanish-American War decided that the United States should exploit Cuba and the Philippines. The South African War decided that the British should exploit the diamond mines. The Russo-Japanese War decided that Japan should exploit Korea. The present war is to decide who shall exploit the Balkans, Turkey, Persia, Egypt, India, China, Africa. And we are whetting our sword to scare the victors into sharing the spoils with us. Now, the workers are not interested in the spoils; they will not get any of them anyway. The preparedness propagandists have still another object, and a very important one. They want to give the people something to think about besides their won unhappy condition. They know the cost of living is high, wages are low, employment is uncertain and will be much more so when the European call for munitions stops. No matter how hard and incessantly the people work, they often cannot afford the comforts of life; many cannot obtain the necessities. Every few days we are given a new war scare to lend realism to their propaganda. They have had us on the verge of war over the Lusitania, the Gulflight, the Ancona, and now they want the workingmen to become excited over the sinking of the Persia. The workingman has no interest in any of these ships. The Germans might sink every vessel on the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, and kill Americans with every onethe American workingman would still have no reason to go to war. All the machinery of the system has been set in motion. Above the complaint and din of the protest from the workers is heard the voice of authority. Friends, it says, fellow workmen, patriots; your country is in danger! There are foes on all sides of us. There is nothing between us and our enemies except the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Look at what has happened to Belgium. Consider the fate of Serbia. Will you murmur about low wages when your country, your very liberties, are in jeopardy? What are the miseries you endure compared to the humiliation of having a victorious German army sail up the East River? Quit your whining, get busy and prepare to defend your firesides and your flag. Get an army, get a navy; be ready to meet the invaders like the loyal-hearted freemen you are. Will the workers walk into this trap? Will they be fooled again? I am afraid so. The people have always been amenable to oratory of this sort. The workers know they have no enemies except their masters. They know that their citizenship papers are no warrant for the safety of themselves or their wives and children. They know that honest sweat, persistent toil and years of struggle bring them nothing worth holding on to, worth fighting for. Yet, deep down in their foolish hearts they believe they have a country. Oh blind vanity of slaves! The clever ones, up in the high places know how childish and silly the workers are. They know that if the government dresses them up in khaki and gives them a rifle and starts them off with a brass band and waving banners, they will go forth to fight valiantly for their own enemies. They are taught that brave men die for their countrys honor. What a price to pay for an abstractionthe lives of millions of young men; other millions crippled and blinded for life; existence made hideous for still more millions of human being; the achievement and inheritance of generations swept away in a momentand nobody better off for all the misery! This terrible sacrifice would be comprehensible if the thing you die for and call country fed, clothed, housed and warmed you, educated and cherished your children. I thinkthe workers are the most unselfish of the children of men; they toil and live and die for other peoples country, other peoples sentiments, ther peoples liberties and other peoples happiness! The workers have no liberties of their own; they are not free when they are compelled to work twelve or ten or eight hours a day. they are not free when they are ill paid for their exhausting toil. They are not free when their children must labor in mines, mills and factories or starve, and when their women may be driven by poverty to live s of shame. They are not free when they are clubbed and imprisoned because they go on strike for a raise of wages and for the elemental justice that is their right as human beings. We are not free unless the men who frame and execute the laws represent the interests of the lives of the people and no other interest. The ballot does not make a free man out of a wage slave. there has never existed a truly free and democratic nation in the world. From time immemorial men have followed with blind loyalty the strong men who had the power of money and of armies. Even while battlefields were piled high with their own dead they have tilled the lands of the rulers and have been robbed of the fruits of their labor. They have built palaces and pyramids, temples and cathedrals that held no real shrine of liberty. As civilization has grown more complex the workers have become more and more enslaved, until today they are little more than parts of the machines they operate. Daily they face the dangers of railroad, bridge, skyscraper, frieght train, stokehold, stockyard, lumber raft and min. Panting and training at the docks, on the railroads and underground and on the seas, they move the traffic and pass from land to land the precious commodities that make it possible for us to live. And what is their reward? A scanty wage, often poverty, rents, taxes, tributes and war indemnities. The kind of preparedness the workers want is reorganization and reconstruction of their whole life, such as has never been attempted by statesmen or governments. The Germans found out years ago that they could not raise good soldiers in the slums so they abolished the slums. They saw to it that all the people had at least a few of the essentials of civilizationdecent lodging, clean streets, wholesome if scanty food, proper medical care and proper safeguards for the workers in their ocupations. That is only a small part of what should be done, but what wonders that one step toward the right sort of preparedness has wrought for Germany! For eighteen months it has kept itself free from invasion while carrying on an extended war of conquest, and its armies are still pressing on with unabated vigor. It is your business to force these reforms on the Administration. Let there be no more talk about what a government can or cannot do. All these theings have been done by all the belligerent nations in the hurly-burly of war. Every fundamental industry has been managed better by the governments than by private corporations. It is your duty to insist upon still more radical measure. It is your business to see that no child is employed in an industrial establishment or mine or store, and that no worker in needlessly exposed to accident or disease. It is your business to make them give you clean cities, free from smoke, dirt and congestion. It is your business to make them pay you a living wage. It is your business to see that this kind of preparedness is carried into every department on the nation, until everyone has a chance to be well born, well nourished, rightly educated, intelligent and serviceable to the country at all times. Strike against all ordinances and laws and institutions that continue the slaughter of peace and the butcheries of war. Srike against war, for without you no battles can be fought. Strike against manufacturing scrapnel and gas bombs and all other tools of murder. Strike against preparedness that means death and misery to millions of human being. Be not dumb, obedient slaves in an army of destruction. Be heroes in an army of construction.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

An overview of social media

An overview of social media What is Social Media? Social media is a blanket term that encompasses all tools that allow groups to generate content and engage in peer-to-peer conversations and exchange of content online. Another common term for interactions such as these is â€Å"Web 2.0†. Social media are highly accessible and inexpensive tools that all anyone from the personal sector to the corporate sector to access, create, and publish information. These media are greatly distinct from more the more traditional industrial media (newspapers, television, film) that require heavy resources use for publication. One characteristic shared by both social media and industrial media is the capability to reach small or large audiences; for example, either a blog post or a television show may reach zero people or millions of people. The properties that help describe the differences between social media and industrial media depend on the study. Some of these properties are: 1. Reach both industrial and social media technologies provide scale and enable anyone to reach a global audience. 2. Accessibility the means of production for industrial media are typically owned privately or by government; social media tools are generally available to anyone at little or no cost. 3. Usability industrial media production typically requires specialized skills and training. Most social media do not, or in some cases reinvent skills, so anyone can operate the means of production. 4. Recency the time lag between communications produced by industrial media can be long (days, weeks, or even months) compared to social media (which can be capable of virtually instantaneous responses; only the participants determine any delay in response). As industrial media are currently adopting social media tools, this feature may well not be distinctive anymore in some time. 5. Permanence industrial media, once created, cannot be altered (once a magazine article is printed and distributed changes cannot be made to that same article) whereas social media can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing. In his 2006 book The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, Yochai Benkler analyzed many of these distinctions and their implications in terms of both economics and political liberty. However, Benkler, like many academics, uses the neologism network economy or network information economy to describe the underlying economic, social, and technological characteristics of what has come to be known as social media. Andrew Keen criticizes social media[citation needed] in his book The Cult of the Amateur, writing, Out of this anarchy, it suddenly became clear that what was governing the infinite monkeys now inputting away on the Internet was the law of digital Darwinism, the survival of the loudest and most opinionated. Under these rules, the only way to intellectually prevail is by infinite filibustering. Information outputs and human interaction. Primarily, social media depend on interactions between people as the discussion and integration of words to build shared-meaning, using technology as a conduit. Social media has been touted as presenting a fresh direction for marketing by allowing companies to talk with consumers, as opposed to talking at them. Social media utilities create opportunities for the use of both inductive and deductive logic by their users. Claims or warrants are quickly transitioned into generalizations due to the manner in which shared statements are posted and viewed by all. The speed of communication, breadth, and depth, and ability to see how the words build a case solicits the use of rhetoric. Induction is frequently used as a means to validate or authenticate different users statements and words. Rhetoric is an important part of todays language in social media. Social media are not finite: there is not a set number of pages or hours. The audience can participate in social media by adding comments, instant messaging or even editing the stories themselves. What is Social Media Marketing? Social media marketing is a term that describes the act of using social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis or any other collaborative Internet form of media for marketing, sales, public relations and customer service. Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. In the context of Internet marketing, social media refers to a collective group of web properties whose content is primarily published by users, not direct employees of the property (e.g. the vast majority of video on YouTube is published by non-YouTube employees). Social media marketing has three important aspects: (1) Creating buzz or news worthy events, videos, tweets, or even blog entries that attract attention, and become viral in nature. Buzz is the piece that makes social media marketing work, it replicates a message not through purchase of an ad, but thorough user to user contact. (2) Building ways that fans of a brand or company can promote it themselves in multiple online social media venues. Fan pages in Twitter, MySpace of Facebook are exactly this. (3) It is conversational. Social media marketing is not fully controlled by the organization, it allows for user participation and dialogue. Potentially a badly designed social media marketing campaign can backfire on the organization that created it. That is the reason that SMM campaigns must fully engage and respect the users. According to Lloyd Salmons, first chairman of the Internet Advertising Bureau social media council Social media isnt just about big networks like Facebook and MySpace, its about brands having conversations. The parameters surrounding social media marketing are arguably elusive today; however a growing consensus suggests social media marketing and Social Media are here to stay. Nielsen published a report suggesting that blogs and social networks make up the emerging social web. The social web includes social media sites and it is a location within which social media marketing takes place. Social media are media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media supports the human need for social interaction, using Internet- and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers. Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media can be said to have three components; 1. Concept (art, information, or meme). 2. Media (physical, electronic, or verbal). 3. Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print). Common forms of social media; * Concepts, slogans, and statements with a high memory retention quotient, that excite others to repeat. * Grass-Roots direct action information dissemination such as public speaking, installations, performance, and demonstrations. * Electronic media with sharing, syndication, or search algorithm technologies (includes internet and mobile devices). * Print media, designed to be re-distributed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Marco Polo :: Biographies Biographical Essays

Marco Polo is one of the most well-known heroic travelers and traders around the world. In my paper I will discuss with you Marco Polo's life, his travels, and his visit to China to see the great Khan. Marco Polo was born in c.1254 in Venice. He was a Venetian explorer and merchant whose account of his travels in Asia was the primary source for the European image of the Far East until the late 19th century. Marco's father, Niccolà ¹, and his uncle Maffeo had traveled to China (1260-69) as merchants. When they left (1271) Venice to return to China, they were accompanied by 17-year-old Marco and two priests. Early Life Despite his enduring fame, very little was known about the personal life of Marco Polo. It is known that he was born into a leading Venetian family of merchants. He also lived during a propitious time in world history, when the height of Venice's influence as a city-state coincided with the greatest extent of Mongol conquest of Asia(Li Man Kin 9). Ruled by Kublai Khan, the Mongol Empire stretched all the way from China to Russia and the Levant. The Mongol hordes also threatened other parts of Europe, particularly Poland and Hungary, inspiring fear everywhere by their bloodthirsty advances. Yet the ruthless methods brought a measure of stability to the lands they controlled, opening up trade routes such as the famous Silk Road. Eventually,the Mongols discovered that it was more profitable to collect tribute from people than to kill them outright, and this policy too stimulated trade(Hull 23). Into this favorable atmosphere a number of European traders ventured, including the family of Marco Polo. The Polos had long- established ties in the Levant and around the Black Sea: for example, they owned property in onstantinople, and Marco's uncle, for whom he was named, had a home in Sudak in the Crimea(Rugoff 8). From Sudak, around 1260, another uncle, Maffeo, and Marco's father, Niccolà ¹, made a trading visit into Mongol territory, the land of the Golden Horde(Russia), ruled by Berke Khan. While they were there, a war broke out between Berke and the Cowan of Levant, blocking their return home. Thus Niccolà ¹ and Maffeo traveled deeper into mongol territory, moving southeast to Bukhara, which was ruled by a third Cowan. While waiting there, they met an emissary traveling farther eastward who invited them to accompany him to the court of the great Cowan, Kublai, in Cathay(modern China). In Cathay, Kublai Khan gave the Polos a friendly reception, appointed them his emissaries to the pope, and ensured their safe travel back to Europe(Steffof 10).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intermediate accounting Essay

1. Distinguish between perpetual and periodic inventory system. Why conduct physical inventory? When should, if any a physical inventory count occur? Perpetual inventory system is a system for determining the cost of goods sold by keeping continuous records of the physical inventory as goods are bought and sold. In other words, under the perpetual inventory system – records are kept of the quantity and usually the cost of individual items of inventory throughout the year, as items are bought and sold. The cost of goods sold is recorded as goods are transferred to customers, and the inventory balance is kept current throughout the year, as items are bought and sold. The physical inventory is important because it is an actual amount of all merchandise on hand at the end of an accounting period. The actual physical count of the product must occur after the Pre-Physical Inventory update is run.   It means that no movements of the product can occur until after the actual count is done.   In other words the product is frozen until a physical count is done on the item.   After the actual count the movement of the individual item within the product group can resume while other products are being count. In periodic inventory system, it is a system for determining the cost of goods sold by deducting the ending inventory (based on a physical count of the inventory) from the beginning inventory plus total purchases over the period. 2. Intangible assets have two main characteristics. They lack physical existence and they are not financial instruments. Costs incurred internally to create intangibles are generally expensed as incurred. Explain the procedure for amortizing intangible assets. Intangible assets are a long-term assets that have no physical substance but have a value based on rights or privileges that accrue to the owner. Intangible assets  don’t have the obvious physical value of a  factory or equipment; they can prove very valuable for a firm and can be critical to its long-term success or failure. For example, a company such as Coca-Cola wouldn’t be nearly as  successful was it not for the high value obtained through its brand-name recognition. Although brand recognition is not a physical asset you can see or touch, its positive effects on bottom-line profits can prove extremely valuable to firms such as Coca-Cola, whose brand strength drives global sales year after year. In FASB STATEMENT NO. 142, the useful life of certain intangible assets is difficult to judge, particularly assets that involve contracted or other legally set terms. Companies use the useful life of assets to guide their decisions on whether or not to amortize them on their financial statements. The key factor in determining whether to amortize an â€Å"other† intangible asset is its useful life. If it is indefinite, the asset is not amortized. Although the question of whether an asset’s useful life is definite or indefinite may seem straightforward, certain intangibles—particularly those that are a result of contracted or other legally set terms—are difficult to judge. Prior to the issuance of FASB Statement no. 142, the maximum useful life of an intangible asset was 40 years. Could an asset a company was amortizing over a useful life of less than 40 years now have an indefinite life under Statement no. 142? The answer is â€Å"maybe.† Prior to its implementation companies may not have taken all of the three criteria in Statement no. 142—renewability, costs and modifications—into account in making amortization decisions. Further, it was not an option for an asset to have an indefinite useful life, regardless of how a company evaluated the criteria before Statement no. 142. The limit was 40 years. The bottom line? Even those intangibles that weren’t assigned the full 40-year useful life prior to Statement no. 142 should be evaluated against the statement’s criteria. They may have indefinite useful lives as well. References Jennefer M. Mueller. Journal of Accountancy: Amortization of Certain Intangible Assets. DECEMBER 2004 / Volume 198, Number 6.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Principles of Marketing †Shoes Essay

For most women shoes are probably the most important part of the whole outfit. The shoes you wear can increase your confidence or destroy it, and you can never have enough. Companies capitalize on this idea by mostly targeting women when they are marketing their shoe products. The market for fashion forward men is growing rapidly, thus more stores are providing a lot more variety of men’s shoes as well. The shoe market is divided into three major product categories athletic shoes, casual and dress shoes, and then â€Å"boom-or-bust† novelty designs. The shoe industry is one of the more â€Å"mature† industries, meaning that it has passed the emerging and growth stages and the sales are slower and more constant. The average woman owns 17 pairs of shoes. Women make up 25% out of the 40% casual/dress shoes segment, while the remaining 15% of it belongs to men. In order for a company, to retain its old customers and attract new customers, they must continually offer better and bolder shoes. The taste of shoe buyers changes often, and so the retailers must improve their shoes. The improvements in an athletic shoe would focus on comfort and performance enhancement. The dress and casual shoes would rely on the fashion-forwardness and the superior products and novelty designs focus on improving profitability. The whole shoe industry has to be able to adapt to change and with the electronic era here. The biggest change the industry probably has to make is moving to an e-business adjusting a company’s sales to stay the same and even increase, while keeping up with the technology and trends at the same time. That could mean expanding internet sales and closing down low performing stores or just marketing their online segments harder. The Designer Shoe Warehouse, more formally known as DSW, opened in 1969 and over the years has become a â€Å"leading branded footwear and accessories retailer†. DSW offers a wide range of brand name shoes and sneakers for men women kids as well accessories. Their strengths rely in the distinctive and convenient store layout as well as the prices offered to customers. Some shoes at DSW are offered at lower prices than in other stores. DSW is a warehouse with rows upon rows of shoes. The possibilities seem endless. They carry lots of different brands and styles so everyone can find something that they like. The company has 364 stores in 41 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, as well as 346 leased departments for other retailers in the US. Not only does DSW have a whole bunch of traditional brick and mortar store locations, there are two websites. There is a product site where you can purchase shoes and accessories, and there is an investor relations site where you can find information about the company, press releases, SEC filings, and stock information since it is a publicly traded company. DSW became public in 2005. One effort in retaining customers would be their rewards system. To become a member is free of charge and you receive reward certificates after every 1,500 points earned. There are special deals and offers that are available to members only, such as, double-point shopping days twice a year, birthday certificates, and tracking purchases. And if you want to, you could upgrade your membership to the Premier Rewards status; for a small price. But, the Premier Reward members get all the perks, such as free next day shipping, triple-point days twice a year and access to events and offers that are just exclusively for them. The product website has an easy layout for customers divided into categories and sub categories. When a customer is in the process of looking for a shoe to purchase there are many great features included to help along the way. Such as full product detail that includes a colorful description of the shoe, the materials the shoe is made out of, and the dimensions. The customer can see ratings other people give the shoe such as duration, width, and comfort. There are also indications on the site that are more specific to feet preferences. Options such as choosing whether you want the shoe to come in a wide or narrow, the different colors and sizes available are given to the customer as well as, compare prices to show you how much you can save on a particular shoe. These details help the customers find a shoe that is the best for them. ALDO is a private company that is deeply rooted in culture, tradition, and service to others. Their mission is to deliver Total Customer Service, and make people feel good through the products that they provide. Similar to DSW, ALDO sells shoes and accessories to men and women. ALDO stores are found all over the world in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and 60 other countries. ALDO’s success relies on its ability to be fashion forward and globally conscious. This company is big on giving back and the employees participate in community service events, fundraisers and causes. One big cause ALDO participates in is the fight against AIDS. They have been involved with the fight since 1985 but in 2005 the ALDO Group launched campaign called ALDO fights AIDS that has been spreading awareness and raising money for a cure by using talented and known celebrities and media genres to donate as well as promote it. Something that differentiates ALDO’s website is that they have a ‘Trends’ tab on their website that describes the looks, or styles they represent and has a gallery of pictures to show how they would dress while wearing the shoes. To make it easier for the customer, they have a section on the website that has the top pic ks for both men and women. When thinking about purchasing a pair of shoes from ALDO there are many helpful things such as videos to teach you about the style of the shoes, colors available, a full written description of the material of the outside of the shoe and what the soles made of and a size guide with US and European sizes since their shoes vary in the sizes offered. The website also provides recommendations on what else you may like according to their beliefs. ALDO offers free returns and fast delivery. There is a new age among us where shoe stores don’t have to actually have a building, but only a space online to sell and showcase shoes. Zappos is one of those stores. Zappos was founded in 1999 at the peak of the internet boom because the founder Nick Swinmurn was dissatisfied with the shoe market. No one retailer had everything that he was looking for. The vision for the company is to have the best service and best selection online and they are living the vision, and have been evolving with the market for the past 9 years. Zappos has been called the Amazon of shoes. Even though the company does not have traditional brick and mortar stores they do have a warehouse that houses all of the shoes that they make available for sale. Zappos is a family that is made up of different members that do different things. The first member is, Inc. which has the facilities, finance Treasury and Accounting departments, the Help Desk , Human Resources, etc. The next member of the family is Zappos CLT which takes calls, emails and chat live with customers. Zappos Development is responsible for content, creativity and marketing. Zappos Gift Cards sells gift cards. Zappos Insights provides insight into the company culture and mentors people on Zappos Family culture. Zappos IP is comprised of development and the Project Management Team. Zappos Merchandising develops relationships with the vendors and purchase the products on the site. Zappos Retail consists of clothing and apparel to help with retail therapy. And the last member of the family is, LLC, this site sells shoes, clothing, bags, and accessories at discount prices. The Zappos Family has ten core values that they live and abide by in order to grow strong and fulfill their goal to have the best service and best selection online. When on the Zappos website it is extremely easy to navigate through the pages. There are many categories and sub categories to choose from and the selections under them are endless. Zappos currently houses 1,140 different brands of shoes clothing and accessories with the goal and plan on increasing that number. They sell merchandise from Crooks and Castles which sells hip clothing to Giuseppe Zanotti which sells expensive high fashion shoes, heels, boots, and sandals. A newer, all internet company is Just Fabulous or This company is led by, fashion icon and owner of Baby Phat, Kimora Lee Simmons. JustFab keeps its members and customers up-to-date with fashion trends and styles. This company is differentiated because when you first sign up for JustFab, you take a style quiz about the different styles and looks you like. And every month your own style experts pick out items that they think you will like, and adds them to your boutique. There is a VIP membership, where members pay $39.95 for everything on the site and receive free shipping and returns. There is no obligation to pay but each month you must browse your boutique by the 5th or else you will be charged the $39.95. It is very important for a company to differentiate itself from others. Differentiation is key to getting and retaining customers, whether the differentiation comes from customer service, brand style, membership perks, etc. The companies selected all have things that differentiate them from each other, most of them relying on their rewards programs and customer service. DSW and Zappos pride themselves on having a wide range and variety of shoes, accessories, and clothing. They both try to be a â€Å"one-stop-shop† getting all of your needs fulfilled in one place. I think the personalized stylist in the JustFab Company is a brilliant idea because it is a form of interactive marketing. They are increasing relationships between the customer and the company. The only critique of JustFab is in the variety and styles. Most of the shoes and clothes they sell look cheap and ugly, but that is the price to pay when you are only spending about $40.00 for a pair of shoes, when they can run from $60-$200 for a good pair, or even more. ALDO has a strong sense of community and the products are extremely stylish. The AIDS campaign is also a good sense of social responsibility that increases the goodwill of the company. Out of all the companies the best and most effective business model and presence would have to be Zappos’s. The Zappos Family established a set of goals in the beginning and have been working toward them ever since. They live, work, and thrive by their ten Zappos Family Core Values. They are constantly working on growing the company and offering more brands to sell. The prices are good because they give sales on different shoes periodically. One thing I would do to better the company would implement a â€Å"boutique† just like in JustFab because all the variety it can be a little overwhelming at times. Websites Used

Literary analysis of The Handmaids Tale

Literary analysis of The Handmaids Tale ‘The Handmaids Tale’ is a feminist novel that highlights the perils of women in a society that has not only dehumanized their status but also made it almost criminal to be a woman. The novel highlights a cruel world where women do not enjoy the freedom of choice. In ‘The Handmaids Tale,’ women are painted as objects for male selfish desires and satisfaction.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literary analysis of The Handmaids Tale specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Using this law, men have withdrawn all the things that would have otherwise made life worth living for women. In the Republic of Gilead, women are not supposed to read, write or even listen to music. These are luxuries only reserved for men. Women are also denied the natural pleasures such as love and romance. They have seen as objects of male enjoyment something that has no human values other than to make men happy. As such, they liv e in a dystopic world. The story reads like a fictional autobiography. It is told from the first person point of view. However, this story is not just propaganda to highlight gender issues. This is because of its complex characters, setting, and thematic concerns. The male character is torn between remaining loyal to the faith or breaking the law and engaging in the pure pleasure of love and romance. The reader feels that some of the male characters identify with the suffering of the female character but cannot do anything as they are held ransom by the Faith. The novel also seamlessly combines the fundamentals of modern religion with ancient totalitarian regimes of leadership, making it a masterpiece. The complexity of the novel and the ideals it propagates makes it more than a work of fiction because it highlights real issues that affect modern-day societies. To a keen reader, the setting of the novel is very complicated as it combines ancient, modern and post-modernistic issues i n an almost unnoticeable way. Time-wise, the novel is set not so much into the distant future. Geographically, the story happens in a land where the former United States of America lies after a Christian theocratic regime overthrows it. The Republic of Gilead, the resultant state, thus lies within the boundaries of the current United States of America. When the United States of America government is overthrown and democracy replaced by ancient Christian theocracy that borrows heavily from the Old Testament, the reader is thrown back in time to when government hid behind religion to establish oppressive regimes. Still, the novels highlight the use of credit cards, effectively depicting a government desperate to fight pollution and other challenges of the modern world. That a commander rules the country brings the reader into the present day world, a world of absolute dictatorship (Atwood 81). The plight to the handmaids who are engaged to bear children for the commander’s wive s is symbolic of the biblical Old Testament characters of Rachel and Leah.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This means that the social setting is not only heavily laden with fundamental Christian ideals but also post modernistic social issues such as population control. The complex nature of the setting, therefore, influences the direction of the story in that it helps the author to sufficiently blend historical and futuristic ideal in a way seen as still relevant to the modern world. The reader can understand the story better upon a closer analysis of the characters. The main character is also the narrator and tells the story from the first person point of view making it more of an autobiography. The narrator, Offred, can be seen as both an objective observer and actor. Telling the story from the first person point of view means that any misinterpretations are avoi ded. As such, the reader is able to get information that is as close to the fact a first-person interpretation of those facts. Because the narrator is the emblem of the plight of all women in this society, telling the tale from the first-person point of view makes it easy for the reader to understand what women go through and at the same time, share in their plight. It also helps to make the story real and eliminates the notion that the story is just mere feministic propaganda (Brians para 10). Offred is best understood from the analysis of her name, the symbolic roles she plays in the novel as the symbol of women suffering. Offred, the protagonist, is kidnapped from her husband and thus separated from her family by this oppressive dynasty. She is brought to the commander’s house to bear children for his barren wife. Offred is her patronymic name which can be broken down into two names: of and Fred. This indicates that she is of Fred meaning that she belongs to Fred, the comm ander. Offred is seen to change throughout the story from the wife of a peasant to the emblematic figure of women liberation. Her significance is seen through her symbolic birth name June, which in the context of the Republic of Gilead means Mayday, the day the women, will be salvaged from their torment. Her name June thus becomes symbolic of the rà ©sistance that would soon lead to their freedom (Atwood 220). It is possible to develop an understanding of the character from her description of herself. Despite living in a male-dominated world where the power of women has been dramatically curtailed, Offred still manages to maintain a self-awareness of who she is and confidently identifies herself as a woman without any hint that she belongs to any man. She describes her physical attributes that are distinctively feminine. Furthermore, despite living in a world where a woman is just an object of man’s desire Offred is able to strictly maintain the definition of herself as pure ly woman, devoid of any material trappings thus: ‘I am thirty-three years old. I have brown hair. I stand five seven without shoes’ (Atwood 143). It is this appreciation of herself as a woman coupled with her symbolic name June which makes Offred the emblematic figure of the resistance to male domination.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literary analysis of The Handmaids Tale specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Offred is also the insignia of how women suffer sexually. It is through her experiences that the reader comes to know her strengths as a woman, repressed thoughts and aspirations that she poses regarding intimacy. It is through Offred that the reader is able to see the way women, in general, are degraded as mere tools for men’s sexual gratification. Offred describes her sexual experiences from the first person’s perspective and sees sex in four ways. For her, the sexual experiences tha t women in the Republic of Gilead go through cannot be termed as lovemaking, neither can they be said to be rape as women are not supposed to have right to sex and thus by default should not have the right and the power to refuse. In this case, it is not even within the power of women to refuse sex. Offred says that her sexual encounters with Fred, her master commander, cannot also be termed as copulation either as this means that two people are involved. In real sense, only the commander is involved as her senses, mind, and emotion are not. In her words, sex is seen as degrading, humiliating as well as an emotionless experience as it is only physical and given upon demand from men thus: My red skirt is hitched up to my waist, though no higher. Below it the Commander is fucking. What he is fucking is the lower part of my body. I do not say making love, because this is not what hes doing. Copulating too would be inaccurate because it would imply two people and only one is involved. N or does rape cover it: nothing is going on here that I havent signed up for (Atwood 94). Other than the main character, other characters play significant roles in this story. Even though these characters have individual uniqueness they have been categorized into two main groups: male and female. The male characters are divided into four: The Commander of the Faithful led by Fred, for whom Offred is a handmaid. He is the symbolic male chauvinistic character in the novel. There are also the Eyes, the men who offer intelligence services to the Republic of Gilead rulership, Angels and Guardians of Faith who are the soldiers who fight to protect the republic as well as the Gender Traitors the homosexuals seen as traitors of the Faith and sent to die painfully in the colonies. The relationships between the main character Offred and the men are master-servant kind of relationship. Through this relationship, the reader is able to see the weaknesses rather than the strengths of men. Although the novel presents men as superior and faultless, it is their ability not to procreate (to be infertile) that exposes their weak side. This proves that the notion of men being superior with absolute power over women is false.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Women are the stronger characters as they are the ones who are able to procreate. Offred, as well as other handmaids, are taken from their lawful marriages to procreate for infertile kings (It is unheard of and illegal to declare men as sterile). The commander is seen as sterile by his wife Serena Joy who arranges from Offred to sleep with her driver to give birth for the commander. This experience also presents women as too willing and ready collaborators. Women characters are also divided into two main groups: legitimate and illegitimate. The legitimate women are the wives, maids like Offred, Aunts, Martha’s and economies. The aunts are seen as stumbling blocks to the freedom of the women. They, like the men, have the luxuries of reading and writing (Atwood 139) and are seen as part of the colony. In one of the most visible oppositions to the liberation of the woman, the aunts tell Offred to stop’ June-ing’ too much: June means mayday liberations (Atwood 220). The handmaids in the house of the commander also give the story from a biblical perspective in reference to some of the biblical figures who took maids to bear children for them when their wives could not. The most effective tool for communication is the use of language. The author uses language creatively as a tool for communication. The author uses modern language words and syntax construction, making the novel seem so deceptively easy to read. Language is used as a very powerful tool for communicating women aspirations for freedom as well as portray the colonial mentality of their men in these societies effectively. The choice of words in describing Offred sexual experiences with the commander shows that the women are emotionally removed from the experience. It also portrays the ability of the woman to communicate their notion about sex, which is far from what men see it be. The author chooses words like copulations, rape, fucking and making love to describe Offred’s pers pectives of sex. These words also portray the author as having a modernistic approach to sex not just as an act of procreation but as a way to express love. Through the tone of language the reader can see that a woman does not see sex as just an act but an expression of love, something devoid in this society (Atwood 94). The authors choice of words like ‘unbabies’ reflect the fears that do exist amongst the women of this society. The author’s use of dialogue is also as effective as the choice of words. Various dialogues have different effects. However, the most common outcome of the use of dialogues portrays women’s emotional connection regardless of their individual character. Offred’s prayer said in monologue reflects her fears as a woman, her loss self and of life, and her desire to gain it back (Atwood 286). Although the treacherous Ofglen is the opposite of Offred in character, their dialogue portrays them as sharing in the suffering that all w omen go through (Atwood 285). Furthermore, the telephone conversation that Moira and Offred have prepares the readers for what might occur the woman after the fall of the United States of America. It is also an indication that the woman had a premonition of what was to befall her after the establishment of the Republic of Gilead (Atwood 174). ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ is a story told about the future and the problems that might occur in the world due to technological advancement. As such it is not necessarily a piece of science fiction but speculative fiction, a narration of probable things that might happen in future. It also deviates from the mere feminist propagandist genres as it has a complicated setting, characters, and themes. Even though the novel is an exaggeration, it portrays the fact that women are still oppressed in the modern world. As such the tale is not far fetched as even the male, a reader is able to identify with the oppressed women in the novel a s well as in real life. Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaids Tale. New York: Anchor Books, 1986. Print. Brians, Paul. â€Å"Study Guide to Margaret Atwood: The Handmaids Tale (1986).† 1995.   May 24, 2011,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Empirical research o n rti in Central Information Essays - India

Empirical research o n rti in Central Information Essays - India empirical research o n rti in Central Information commission Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Chapter I: Introduction PAGEREF _Toc373924028 \h 1 1.Overview PAGEREF _Toc373924029 \h 1 2.Review of Literature PAGEREF _Toc373924030 \h 1 3.Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc373924031 \h 3 4.Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc373924032 \h 3 5.Objective of Research PAGEREF _Toc373924033 \h 3 6.Rationale of Research PAGEREF _Toc373924036 \h 3 7.Research Methodology and Design PAGEREF _Toc373924037 \h 3 8.Scheme of research PAGEREF _Toc373924038 \h 4 chapter II: Theoretical analysis PAGEREF _Toc373924039 \h 5 chapter III: Empirical analysis PAGEREF _Toc373924040 \h 10 Chapter IV- Recommendations and Suggestions PAGEREF _Toc373924041 \h 12 Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc373924042 \h 13 Annexure I.14 Chapter I: Introduction Overview The Right to Information Act, 2005 came into force after the Freedom of Information Act, 2002 was repealed. This act came in with the basic objective to promote openness, transparency and accountability in administration. In the case of S.P. Gupta v. President of India, the Supreme Court first mentioned that "The right to know, receive and import information has been recognised within the right to freedom of speech and expression. A citizen has a fundamental right to use the best means of imparting and receiving information and as such to have an access to telecasting for the purpose." Thus, the right to information has been considered as a basic feature of the Constitution fundamental right under article 19 (1). Corruption which had taken root at all levels of governance had prevented a clear and uninhibited flow of information from the state to the government. Unlike many other countries (for e.g. UK) which took several years to operationalise the Act post the enactment, India took only a few months to bring it into force. This time was inadequate to change the mindset of the people in Government, create infrastructure, develop new processes and build capacity to deliver information under this Act. Thus, the aim of the paper is to see if there are any shortcomings to the RTI Act and what can be done to mend the loopholes left by the legislature. Review of Literature To make this paper the researcher has used the help of various books, articles and cases to come up with a suitable research and a conclusive answer Books Articles Subhash C. Kashyap , Constitutional Law of India, 3rd Ed, Volume 2, 2008, Wadhwa and Wadhwa , Nagpur . Key Issues and Constraints in implementing the RTI Act, Final Understanding the "Key Issues and Constraints" in implementing the RTI Act, PricewaterhouseCoopers. Final Understanding the "Key Issues and Constraints" in implementing the RTI Act, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Annexure I. RIGHT TO INFORMATION- A STUDY, Orissa Review , Nov ., 2006. . Abhinav Garg , Private schools fall under RTI: Court, Times of India, Published on May 3, 2013, 02.45AM IST, accessed at Press Release by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances Pensions, Amendment to the Right to Information Act, 2005, Accesed at . Guide For Public Authorities, accessed from Cases S.P. Gupta v. President AIR 1982 SC 149 Tamil Nadu Road Development Co. Ltd. Vs. Tamil Nadu Information Commission and Anr (2008) 145 CompCas 248(Mad) Ravneet Kaur v. The Christian Medical College AIR 1998 PH 1 D.A.V. College Trust and Management Society and Ors. Vs. Director of Public Instruction and Ors AIR2008P H117 Chandigarh University, Village Gharuan v State of Punjab others AIR 2013 PH 187 Shri Nisa Ahmed Srika and others v. LIC housing Finance Limited and Others CIC/AT/A/2007/0735, 729, 1370 and .CIC/AT/A/2008/1420 Shri Subhash Chandra Aggarwal and Anr v. Indian National Congress/ All India Congress Committee (AICC) and Others CIC/SM/C/2011/001386. Research Questions What is the scope of Public Authority under section 2 (h)? Should political parties be included under the scope of Public authority? Hypothesis The researcher thinks that the scope of public authority can be expanded through interpretation and should be expanded to cover all possible public bodies. Objective of Research To see how the scope of "public authority" is expanding and why there is a need to expand this word. To see why political parties should come within the scope of "Public Authority" Rationale of Research The reason why the researcher took such an endeavour because as much as understanding the efficacy of the Act is essential, an even more essential aspect is

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Training Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Training - Assignment Example One factor that could be attributed to the failure was the training. My training manager used an inappropriate method to deliver the training; therefore, I did not make the desired progress in my work. I failed to meet my goals and I was instructed to write this report. After discussing various issues in the paper, three recommendations were made. First, the organisation should employ professional trainers who will give the employees many alternatives on the training techniques. Second, a needs assessment ought to be conducted to ensure that the employees are provided with the right information. Thirdly, the organisation should consider giving training that will enhance loyalty. 2. Introduction In all organisations, human resources are regarded as powerful sources of the firm’s success. Therefore, it is important for managers to take interest in their employees since they are held responsible for their performance. Managers should ensure that they understand their employeesâ⠂¬â„¢ needs and provide training in order to enhance their abilities. This largely impacts the firm since it determines its goals achievement (Yang, 2010:2). In this case, the line manager understands that I was competent, in that, the quality of work did was outstanding. However, I failed to pass the level I expected showing that I did not meet the set targets. The organisation understands the importance of training. ... The use of unsuitable methods in the trainings must have resulted to my failure to achieve the goals set. In order to improve my productivity and achieve the set organisation’s goals, there are certain objectives I need to set. First, I will persuade the training manager to use the correct methods in order to ensure that the training is beneficial. Second, using the skills learnt in the successful training, I will increase my productivity and achieve the set goals. 3. Training Training is described as the practice of providing learning opportunities to the employees through mentoring, coaching, workshops or other methods in an effort to challenge, motivate, and inspire them (Frazis and Speltzer, 2005:49). This process is meant to help them play their roles efficiently and execute their functions with ultimate capability and in the set standards. The process of training provides the employees and the managers with the tools needed to develop their careers, perform tasks more ef fectively, enhance their knowledge base and efficiently work among different employees and work conditions (Heathfield, 2013). A large number of managers recognise training as an effective tool for improving performance among the employees. Training helps in the development of employees’ skills, increase in their quality of work and the enhancement of productivity. The managers usually set targets, which they expect the employees to meet comfortably. Successfully meeting these targets indicates excellent performance while failure indicates poor performance. All employees, including those who succeed in meeting the organisation’s goals, need training to improve their morale and build loyalty for their organisation (Yang, 2010:2). 3.1 Who

Friday, October 18, 2019

In the Apology, Socrates claims that the unexamined life is not worth Essay

In the Apology, Socrates claims that the unexamined life is not worth living (38a) - Essay Example Hence there is the dire need for an individual to work for the goal of self-realization. The claim of Socrates that â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living† refers to the spiritual life of an individual. The real achievement and advancement towards the goal of life is possible only through self-realization. Instead of chasing the external world for aggrandizement of material possessions, an individual has to commence the journey of the inner world to understand and experience of the true meaning of life. Socrates argues that goodness is associated with wisdom and in the pursuit of that supreme wisdom an individual can enjoy life and be happy in the real sense of the term. If an individual ceases to question himself, he will act unreasonably, without applying the power of discrimination, he will not be able to distinguish between good and bad actions. Without the spiritual values, the life of humankind is no better than animals. A good life is twice-blessed. The one who is experiencing happiness in life and those around him, both become happy. The final option for an individual is to pursue knowledge of the self by application of principles of wisdom. Socrates articulates if he were to abandon the examined life, without wisdom and self-knowledge, he would be accepting the option of death. So, the battle royal has been going on for Ages, and it has not been possible for the humankind to find a permanent solution for problems related to one’s external world and the inner world. Socrates is not a conservative philosopher, or a philosopher with reservations. He attaches importance to life only if it is applied for the purpose of self-realization. All other applications to life are transient in nature and as such they are without real substance. If an individual attaches more importance to secular life in preference to spiritual pursuits, he

Article critique Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article critique - Lab Report Example This practical value of this model makes this study stand out among the existing publications in the field. The recent projections forecast increasing deficit in the future demand for registered nurses. Thus, according to the HRSA estimate published in 2002, the demand for registered nurses (RN) will reach 2.8 million nurses by 2020 (HRSA 2002). The primary purpose of their study is to correct the existing RN shortage projections by taking into account the recently increasing tendency of late entry into nursing profession. The authors believe that the declining interest in the nursing profession the HRSA and other projections rely upon might have been only a temporary phenomenon related to the choice of first career; on the other hand, the number of people entering nursing at later ages (late twenties – thirties) commonly has not been taken into account despite the rapidly increasing weight of this cohort. Auerbach and colleagues aim to correct this essential drawback by proposing a specific model that considers the tendency of late nursing entry. The research purpose formulated by the authors did not imply any too specific requirements to be addressed: large massive of reliable representative data was, in fact, the only serious requirement. The fact that Auerbach and colleagues employed a simple statistical model, commonly used by demographers and economists, to reveal changes the number and age of RNs over time confirms the assumption that the study did not represent much of a challenge in terms of methodology. Therefore, reliability and representativeness of input data could be considered the most important problem. The authors used data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) from 1973 to 2005 which provided comprehensive nationally representative information on demographics, earnings, hours worked, industry sector, and employment of more than 3,000 RNs employed in nursing

The most famous building of U of O Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The most famous building of U of O - Essay Example It also functions unconventionally through use of smart plugs, efficient electric lighting and controls, advanced monitoring systems and green roofs. Lillis Business Complex’s orientation enables it achieve maximum energy efficiency hence reducing emissions. The east-west orientation ensure that there is adequate natural light in the classrooms during the day therefore no artificial lighting, which emits heat and raises energy costs, is required. The building also runs on solar energy, a renewable source of energy, which is generated from a 44 kW of (PV) cells. These cells are incorporated into the atrium’s south-facing curtain wall finishing, windowpanes on the penthouse roof, and flat roof sheets and are fed into the university’s power grid for use by other amenities.1 This in turn ensures that there are no emissions from generators and it greatly reduces the energy cost in the university. Environmentalist are advocating for recycling and reuse of materials as a way of coming up with sustainable buildings and environments. Lillis Business Complex is made of recycled materials hence extending the life and usefulness of old materials that have fulfilled their purpose, thus making them useable. The construction waste from the previous building was sorted and valuable materials like steel and cardboards were reused in the building of the green complex.90% of the beautiful complex is made up of structural steel and concrete which contain recycled matter. The floor is made of Marmoleum, which is a biodegradable product of linseed oil and wood wastes from industries, a big part of the buildings carpet tile is from recycled carpeting, which has a prolonged life span compared to other forms of carpeting, and all this resulted in cost saving of the building materials. If not well designed for, a building may end up using more or less water than anticipated hence water conservation is a key element when coming up with green buildings. This may lead to increased water bill costs or under utilization of the building due to lack of or inadequate water supply. Sustainable landscape techniques have been put in place for water conservation purposes. Adaptive plants have been used to minimize water and pesticide use, which lead to pollution, Low flow appliances have also been put in place with the aim of conserving water by controlling the amount of water that runs from these appliances. Green roofs act as normal strainers by keeping water in plants, growing media and later vaporizing it into the air, during summer, they retain 70-80% of rainfall and 20-30% in winter and decrease and deferment run off throughout hefty and extended precipitation. By incorporating green roof in Lillis Business Complex, the institution reduced the impact of run off on the storm water drainage system and reduced the chances of local flooding. During summer, photosynthesis and evapotranspiration reduce the amount of solar energy absorbed by the roof membr ane, creating cooler temperatures in the interior while during winter, root activity of the plants produce heat thus keeping the interior warm, therefore making them good insulators. The green roofs also provide the students’ with an area where they can socialize as well as meet their green space needs, fresh air transmission in a building not only increases the tenants’ self-esteem, but also develops their health and luxury. The quality of indoor environment in Lillis Business

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Summarize the article provided into one page Essay

Summarize the article provided into one page - Essay Example Feyerabend makes the claim that, unlike religion, science does not leave room for people to think freely. People have become so dependent on science that once something has been scientifically proven, it becomes law. Feyerabend says that it is this that has made science an anti-liberating ideology; people have regarded science as the superior mode of thought, refusing to let themselves think past anything that science has staked a claim. The counterargument in this regard is that science works and is a success. However, this is all the more reason to approach science with skepticism. Feyerabend does not consider results or success as much as he considers the method, which is always scientific; otherwise, the results are questionable. In regard to religion, Christians can question their beliefs against Buddhists and Jews. For each person, there will be a new side to an argument or theory. Science, on the other hand, does not allow this as an option. Once something has been proven scientifically, people let it go. They have no one else to glean an understanding from. Where there is an absence of contrary opinions, science is turned from an ideology into a dogma, providing a cut-off point for people to continue to think. People react to science much as they did when religions began to rise and spread. There was curiosity, skepticism, and a plethora of questions. Even after the rush of religion died down, all of this remained. When science first reared its head, it received a similar reaction. Everyone was curious and scientists set out to answer questions and find solutions. After they answered what they needed to, there was nothing more to do. People found it useless to continue to think on something that had already been answered. All the same, science is looked to as one of the greatest ideologies, and as the final voice on the thinking process, which is why Feyerabend believes that the hype surrounding science should not

Retelling Experiments H,B,D, Kettlewell's Studies of Industrial Essay

Retelling Experiments H,B,D, Kettlewell's Studies of Industrial Melanism in Peppered Moths - Essay Example Hagen reports further that Kettlewell himself added to the controversies through his defense to these criticisms, sidelining his own singular achievements in these first attempts at understanding survival patterns in the peppered moths. This summary endorses his views tentatively and sets out to describe Kettlewell's experiments in the most likely manner. The papered moth (Biston betularia) is almost a mythical creature in evolutionary biology today because it helped practitioners solve an important mystery in evolution. The moth, an endemic species to Great Britain and other parts of Europe, is known to have existed in three broad phenotypes. Before the industrial revolution of the 19th century the moth, popularly ascribed later as the typical phenotype, had grayish white wings flecked with small dark spots (Hagen, 1999, p. 144). Later on, with the growth of industry and increasing pollution, especially the aerial variety from coal dust in flues, in the surrounding areas this light-winged typical variety became less and less evident and moths with darker wing colors became more manifest. The more frequent appearance of this dark phenotype (Biston carbonaria), especially in wooded regions near industrial areas, raised questions among biologists who sought to explain their strange manifestation. It is significant to note here that the carbonaria has thoroughly dark wings while intermediate varieties with varying degrees of darkness in the wing colors, Biston insularia, have been increasingly observed since the time of Kettlewell's first experiments in an wooded area near the industrial town of Birmingham (Cook and Grant, 2000). The carbonari and insularia phenotypes are popularly known as melanics, because of their darker wings, and they evolve from activation of separate alleles available at the same locus as the typical phenotype gene, construed to be the original one (Cook and Grant, 2000). Kettlewell's Experiment: Before setting out on his first observational experiments in the woods near Birmingham, Kettlewell had already settled upon a theory in explanation of the strange higher incidence of the melanic varieties over the typical ones in that experiment area (Hagen, 1999, p.146). The first experiment here lasted for 11 days. The environment was mixed with birch and oak trees. While the birches had relatively lighter trunk colors the oak trees tended to have trunk colors darkened with soot from the neighboring industrial regions (Hagen, 1999, p. 146). Kettlewell reported all three phenotypes of the moths existing at the site. The typical ones tended to merge with the lighter colored birches while the melanics tended to do so on the darker oak trunks. For Kettlewell, the selection hypothesis suggested that the numbers of melanics would be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The most famous building of U of O Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The most famous building of U of O - Essay Example It also functions unconventionally through use of smart plugs, efficient electric lighting and controls, advanced monitoring systems and green roofs. Lillis Business Complex’s orientation enables it achieve maximum energy efficiency hence reducing emissions. The east-west orientation ensure that there is adequate natural light in the classrooms during the day therefore no artificial lighting, which emits heat and raises energy costs, is required. The building also runs on solar energy, a renewable source of energy, which is generated from a 44 kW of (PV) cells. These cells are incorporated into the atrium’s south-facing curtain wall finishing, windowpanes on the penthouse roof, and flat roof sheets and are fed into the university’s power grid for use by other amenities.1 This in turn ensures that there are no emissions from generators and it greatly reduces the energy cost in the university. Environmentalist are advocating for recycling and reuse of materials as a way of coming up with sustainable buildings and environments. Lillis Business Complex is made of recycled materials hence extending the life and usefulness of old materials that have fulfilled their purpose, thus making them useable. The construction waste from the previous building was sorted and valuable materials like steel and cardboards were reused in the building of the green complex.90% of the beautiful complex is made up of structural steel and concrete which contain recycled matter. The floor is made of Marmoleum, which is a biodegradable product of linseed oil and wood wastes from industries, a big part of the buildings carpet tile is from recycled carpeting, which has a prolonged life span compared to other forms of carpeting, and all this resulted in cost saving of the building materials. If not well designed for, a building may end up using more or less water than anticipated hence water conservation is a key element when coming up with green buildings. This may lead to increased water bill costs or under utilization of the building due to lack of or inadequate water supply. Sustainable landscape techniques have been put in place for water conservation purposes. Adaptive plants have been used to minimize water and pesticide use, which lead to pollution, Low flow appliances have also been put in place with the aim of conserving water by controlling the amount of water that runs from these appliances. Green roofs act as normal strainers by keeping water in plants, growing media and later vaporizing it into the air, during summer, they retain 70-80% of rainfall and 20-30% in winter and decrease and deferment run off throughout hefty and extended precipitation. By incorporating green roof in Lillis Business Complex, the institution reduced the impact of run off on the storm water drainage system and reduced the chances of local flooding. During summer, photosynthesis and evapotranspiration reduce the amount of solar energy absorbed by the roof membr ane, creating cooler temperatures in the interior while during winter, root activity of the plants produce heat thus keeping the interior warm, therefore making them good insulators. The green roofs also provide the students’ with an area where they can socialize as well as meet their green space needs, fresh air transmission in a building not only increases the tenants’ self-esteem, but also develops their health and luxury. The quality of indoor environment in Lillis Business

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Retelling Experiments H,B,D, Kettlewell's Studies of Industrial Essay

Retelling Experiments H,B,D, Kettlewell's Studies of Industrial Melanism in Peppered Moths - Essay Example Hagen reports further that Kettlewell himself added to the controversies through his defense to these criticisms, sidelining his own singular achievements in these first attempts at understanding survival patterns in the peppered moths. This summary endorses his views tentatively and sets out to describe Kettlewell's experiments in the most likely manner. The papered moth (Biston betularia) is almost a mythical creature in evolutionary biology today because it helped practitioners solve an important mystery in evolution. The moth, an endemic species to Great Britain and other parts of Europe, is known to have existed in three broad phenotypes. Before the industrial revolution of the 19th century the moth, popularly ascribed later as the typical phenotype, had grayish white wings flecked with small dark spots (Hagen, 1999, p. 144). Later on, with the growth of industry and increasing pollution, especially the aerial variety from coal dust in flues, in the surrounding areas this light-winged typical variety became less and less evident and moths with darker wing colors became more manifest. The more frequent appearance of this dark phenotype (Biston carbonaria), especially in wooded regions near industrial areas, raised questions among biologists who sought to explain their strange manifestation. It is significant to note here that the carbonaria has thoroughly dark wings while intermediate varieties with varying degrees of darkness in the wing colors, Biston insularia, have been increasingly observed since the time of Kettlewell's first experiments in an wooded area near the industrial town of Birmingham (Cook and Grant, 2000). The carbonari and insularia phenotypes are popularly known as melanics, because of their darker wings, and they evolve from activation of separate alleles available at the same locus as the typical phenotype gene, construed to be the original one (Cook and Grant, 2000). Kettlewell's Experiment: Before setting out on his first observational experiments in the woods near Birmingham, Kettlewell had already settled upon a theory in explanation of the strange higher incidence of the melanic varieties over the typical ones in that experiment area (Hagen, 1999, p.146). The first experiment here lasted for 11 days. The environment was mixed with birch and oak trees. While the birches had relatively lighter trunk colors the oak trees tended to have trunk colors darkened with soot from the neighboring industrial regions (Hagen, 1999, p. 146). Kettlewell reported all three phenotypes of the moths existing at the site. The typical ones tended to merge with the lighter colored birches while the melanics tended to do so on the darker oak trunks. For Kettlewell, the selection hypothesis suggested that the numbers of melanics would be

Piper Aircraft v Reyno Essay Example for Free

Piper Aircraft v Reyno Essay Facts: A small airplane crashed in Scotland killing several Scottish citizens. The respondents who are Scottish and who are the representatives of the estates of the citizens and residents who were killed in the crash filed suit for wrongful death in United States Federal District Court in California. The forum was later transferred to the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania upon motion of the petitioner. It appears that the aircraft was manufactured in Pennsylvania by petitioner Piper Aircraft Co. Â  The propellers were manufactured in Ohio by petitioner Hartzell Propeller, Inc. At the time of the accident the aircraft was registered in Great Britain and was owned and maintained by Air Navigation and Trading Co. , Ltd and was operated by McDonald Aviation, Ltd. , a Scottish air taxi service. Both Air Navigation and McDonald were organized in the United Kingdom. Petitioners filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of forum non conveniens. After finding that an alternative forum exists in Scotland, the District Court granted the motion and dismissed the complaint. The United States Court of Appeals reversed the district court’s decision on the ground that the dismissal of the suit is automatically barred when the law of the alternative forum is less favorable to the plaintiff than the law of the forum chosen by the plaintiff. Issue: whether the district court abused its discretion in granting the petitioner’s motion to dismiss on the ground of forum non convenience Ruling. No. The district court did not abuse its discretion in granting the petitioner’s motion to dismiss. Thus, judgment of the United States Court of Appeals was reversed. Rationale: It is well-settled that a claim will be dismissed on the ground of forum non conveniens if the amount of burden and difficulty to the defendant is out of proportion to the convenience of the plaintiff. The dismissal of a suit will not ordinarily be denied on the simple reason that the forum is less favorable to the plaintiff In dismissing a case for forum non convenience several factors are considered because they affect the conduct of the trial. These factors are: a) the access to sources of proof and evidence; b) the availability of compulsory process for attendance of unwilling witnesses, c) the cost of obtaining attendance of willing witnesses; d) the possibility of viewing of premises; In this case, the factors heavily favor Scotland because the wreckage of the airplane is in Scotland and all of the witnesses to the crash are also in Scotland. Also, the deceased were all Scottish. Scotland has a strong interest in hearing this case since the incident happened in its airspace. On the other hand, the disadvantage that will result to plaintiff if this suit will be brought in the United States is insignificant considering that the interest of the United States in the suit is not sufficient enough to justify the amount of time and expenses that will be wasted if the suit will be filed in the United States

Monday, October 14, 2019

Offender Profiling Techniques Effectiveness

Offender Profiling Techniques Effectiveness This essay will be discussing the effectiveness of offender profiling techniques. Firstly the essay will be looking into detail what offender profiling is and describing it. Secondly the essay will be looking at the comparison of the US and UK approaches and the effectiveness. Finally a conclusion with be drawn to look at the differences between the UK US approaches. In the criminal justice system, there is a growing demand for experts in the field of human behaviour who can assist law enforcement with solving unusual homicide cases. Law enforcement agencies often seek help from psychologists, criminologists, psychiatrists, and other professionals that specialize in human behaviour when trying to catch a suspect. Criminal profiling is in place to help detect and capture criminals, it has now become more common during many a criminal investigation. Criminal profiling has also been recognised as one of the most useful techniques in offender profiling, a technique used to help define the behaviour of an offender before they reach the height of their criminal career. This gives the Authorities a good idea of important facts of a criminals personality; facts such as: Profession, environment in which they live and whether it is possible for them to strike again or not. Offender profiling is commonly used in crimes such as paedophilia, rape, satanic and ritualistic crime, lust and mutilation murder and as well as many other crimes. The goals of profiling are: to make assessments from the crime scene that will give the authorities an idea of how to catch the criminal. According to The Guardian (the jigsaw man, Steven Morris 2000) The modern history of what came to be known as offender profiling began in the 40s when the US Office of Strategic Services asked William Langer, a psychiatrist, to draw up a profile of Adolf Hitler. After the second world war, Lionel Haward, a psychologist working for the Royal Air Force, drew up a list of characteristics which high-ranking Nazi war criminals might display. Then in the 50s, James A Brussel, a US psychiatrist, drew up what turned to be an uncannily accurate profile of a bomber who had been terrorising New York According to Holmes Holmes (1996) there should be three main goals of offender profiling, these are to provide the police with basic information about the characteristics of the offender such as age, race, personality, employment and marital status, to suggest any possessions the offender may have that would associate him with the crime scene (such as souvenirs the police may want to search for) and to provide interviewing strategies and suggestions the police may use when questioning a suspect. The American approach to developing a profile of an offender has been developed from an initial sample of interviews with 36 convicted serial sexual murderers, combined with detailed information from crime scenes. The next part of this essay it will be discussing the effectiveness of both UK US offender profiling and discussing the comparison of both approaches. Firstly, the US approach is known as holistic or top-down approach and data from scene and from MO compared with previously known information. The FBIs Crime Scene Analysis consists of six steps, which are summarized in the section that follows. Profiling Inputs: a collection of all evidence, including anything found on the scene (i.e. fibers, paint chips, etc.) and anything derived from the crime scene Decision Process Models: evidence is arranged to locate any types of patterns, such as whether or not the crime is part of a series of crimes, what the victims have in common. Crime Assessment: the evidence has been organized, the crime scene is reconstructed. Investigators use patterns to determine what happened in what order, and what role each victim, weapon had in the crime. Criminal Profile: the combined first three steps are used to create a criminal profile incorporating the motives, physical qualities, and personality of the perpetrator. Also, the investigators use this information to decide on the best way to interview the suspects based on their personality. The Investigation: the profile is given to investigators on the case and to organizations that may have data leading to the identification of a suspect. The profile may be reassessed if no leads are found or if new information is learned. The Apprehension: this stage only occurs in about 50% of cases. When a suspect is identified, he/she is interviewed, investigated, compared to the profile. If the investigators have reason to believe that the suspect is the perpetrator, a warrant is obtained for the arrest of the individual, usually followed by a trial with expert witnesses including the forensic psychologist and other forensic experts, including those involved in the crime science analysis. According to Jackson (1997) Offences most suitable for profiling involve those where the suspects behaviour at the crime scene revel important details about themselves. Arson and sexually motivated crimes where the criminal has demonstrated some form of psychopathy seem to offer the best chance of useful information being disclose. A few examples of profiling where its most effective are crime scenes revealing evidence sadistic torture, posturing of the body, ritualistic behaviour or staging. According to the F.B.I case which involve mere destruction to property, assault or murder during a commission of a robbery are generally unsuitable for profiling as the personality of the criminal is not frequently not revealed in such crime scenes. However drug related crimes lend themselves poorly to profiling because the true personality of a criminal is not recognised. Criminal profiling exists in large part due to the work of the FBIs Behavioral Science Unit, a department dedicated to developing new and innovative investigative approaches and techniques to the solution of crime by studying the offender, and his/her behaviour and motivation According to Brent E. Turvey, MS (1998) The advantages of the Inductive Criminal Profiling model are readily apparent. Foremost is that Inductive Profiling is a very easy tool to use, for which no specialized forensic knowledge, education, or training in the study of criminal behaviour or criminal investigation is required. Additionally, general profiles can be assembled in a relatively short period of time without any great effort or ability on the part of the profiler. The result is often a one or two page list of unqualified characteristics. These generalizations can accurately predict some of the non-distinguishing elements of individual criminal behaviour, but not with a great deal of consistency or reliability. The next part of the essay will be discussing the UK approach of offender profiling. The UK approach to the term offender profile came well known to the police forces and the general public during the 1980s. British approach is less subjective and called bottom up method, or data-driven. Data is collected and analysed to produce definite, measured, specific associations between offences and offender characteristics. Paul Britton is a Consultant Clinical and Forensic Psychologist who founded psychological profiling in the UK. He has advised the police in over one hundred serious investigations, including some of the most high profile crimes of the past twenty five years. In his previous role as head of the UKs largest Forensic Psychology Service, he assessed and treated thousands of offenders, victims and witnesses. He sat on the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) sub-committee on offender profiling for some years, remaining an independent consultant for several more, and has liaised with worldwide agencies. Professor David Canter was a pioneer in this nascent field, helping to guide detectives in the mid-80s to an offender who had carried out a series of serious attacks. But he saw the limitations of offender profiling- in particular, the subjective, personal opinion of a psychologist. He and a colleague coined the term investigative psychology and began trying to approach the subject from what they saw as a more scientific point of view. The approach to offender profiling uses the setting and nature of and physical evidence at the crime scene. This builds up a relationship between the characteristics of the offence and the actual offender. This approach also uses scientific statistics in processing evidence. Each profile is unique to the individual offender which gives the technique the name bottom-up. Offender profiling is most useful when trying to find a serial offender as police can identify the typeof victim, especially in rape and/or murder cases. The behaviour of the criminal is an important feature in profiling an offender examples of this are; the location of the crime, type of victim, interaction with victim and often the timing of the crime. Environmental concepts such as mental mapsare often used in order to develop the idea that typical rapists live in the area that they offend in. This approach to profiling aims to be more scientific, using real evidence and statistical analysis. Canter (2000) states concerns that the F.B.I.s typologies may be too closely focused on the behaviors of the offenders rather than on the meaning of the behaviors. A detailed examination of the crime scene might thus be seen as an essential first step in the gathering of relevant information. While a phys ­ical examination is already carried out by forensic scientists searching for fingerprints, clothing fibres, semen samples etc., the scene can also reveal other clues to the profiler. detailed examination of the crime scene may well provide clues as to the underlying personality of the offender. It appeared that some offences were carried out with a great deal of forward planning, while others were committed with little planning or preparation. In the latter case, a victim may have been selected at random, whereas in the former, a victim may have been targeted and observed for some time in advance of the offence. While a detailed examination of the crime scene will be helpful to a profiler, such an examination is not always possible. For example, some recent research in the UK (Smith, 1998) has sug ­gested that profilers tend not to be bro ught in at the earliest opportunity, but rather are contacted when other more traditional forms of police enquiry have failed. By this stage the crime scene will probably have been disturbed and vital clues possibly lost. Turvey (1999) warns against using profiling as anything other than suggesting probabilities. He cites the case of Rachel Nickell, studied by Kocsis et al. (1998). After looking at both approaches from the UK US, they both have different approaches to offender profiling. Firstly, Boon and Davies (1992) argue that the British approach is based on bottom-up data processing (an analysis of existing evidence) the aim being to identify associations between offences and offender characteristics. The American approach is top-up and uses subjective conclusions drawn from both experience of crime and interview with criminals. This states that the UK approach looks at the data of a criminal and the evidence, the US approach looks at the criminal and gathers information.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Price of Objectivity :: essays research papers

The Price of Objectivity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway is one of the pre-eminent works of modernist literature. It set the tone for the several decades of literature that was to follow. It delves deeply into the 'lost generation' that was created after the first wold war. A generation that lost any idealism that their predecessors had. A generation that lost any emotional attachment to the world around them. This is a trait that is predominant throughout Hemingway's novel as the narrator, Jake Barnes, remains clinically detached from the events that transpire around him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jake was an ambulance driver in the first world war and as with many of his peers, his experiences left him with a severe emotional disillusionment with the world as a whole. Not to mention the lack of functioning genitalia which certainly didn't help him identify positively with the world. Essentially, if it didn't involve Jake, he couldn't care less. For example, Jake watches a man get gored through the back by a stampeding bull and die, then waits for the rocket to go off signaling that the bulls were coralled and then simply walks off. He doesn't concern himself with the health of the (then) wounded man, he doesn't contemplate whether the running of the bulls was a worthwhile risk in the name of fun and games. He simply watches, then leaves without the slightest tint of subjectivity to his narrative. He remains perfectly objective, simply a watcher in the grand scheme of life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And what does Jake watch exactly? He watches as everything goes around in circles, always ending up in the same place as it started. The group as a whole heads out drinking, only to wake up the next morning to repeat the process with nothing changed. Brett, although engaged to a man who loves her, is hopelessly in love with Jake. Jake is forced to watch as she passes along from Mike, to Cohn, to Romero and then back to Mike before finally ending up right back where she started with Jake. Jake watches as every event he witness returns full circle. A cycle that the title, 'The Sun Also Rises', refers to. Just like the sun also rises only to hasten to the place where it arose, so do the events of the characters in the book, giving off the image that life is futile and nothing ever gets accomplished.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Juxtaposition of the Normal and the Abominable How do the Authors :: English Literature

The Juxtaposition of the Normal and the Abominable How do the Authors illustrate this description of World War One? Pay Particular attention to the Details they Highlight and the Methods and Language they Used to do so? 'The Juxtaposition of the Normal and the Abominable' How do the Authors illustrate this description of World War One? Pay Particular attention to the Details they Highlight and the Methods and Language they Used to do so? 'In the trenches behind the lines, men and women struggled to hold on or recreate fragments of an ordinary life - a letter from home, a pot of jam, a kiss - to remind them of their own humanity'à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Today I saw pictures of Britain's brave soldiers leave for war in Iraq. As a nation we are able to watch a war unfold before us in a way never experienced before. The constant pictures of the death, destruction and disgraceful nature of war help people to see the atrocities of war. In many wars of the past the horrors of war have not been available to the public due to censorship and less communication; I draw a contrast to the British people in World War One who also watched their soldiers leave in glory to fight a war with a dream of seeing the world and the glory of war, armed with little more than the old lie 'Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori'. Whilst with such vivid images of 'our boys' it is hard for us to forget about the men who are fighting, in World War One so many soldiers left with aspirations to see the world and got as far as France - their destiny to die in a muddy field. The Iraqi people today are experiencing a new and dangerous life as their nation is gripped with war. One thing often forgotten about as we watch on BBC News24 is that people are still living in Baghdad and life goes on for Iraqi people. Ben Macintyre in 'A Foreign Field' depicts how the lives of the peoples of France continued as their nation, like Iraq, was ravaged by war: Ben Macintyre cleverly highlights the way that, whilst the war brought such horror to the people of Villeret, life still continued and there was some form of normality. Normally Macintyre uses a quote from a diary or record to bring meaning to help his audience understand how people felt. The book has a journalistic style and, as with journalism, the author tends to stick to facts; for most of the book Macintyre's style is descriptive but largely unromantic.